Senators are Deceiving Citizens About the 14th Amendment

Beware of this very dark fact, Bernie Sanders, amongst others, is misleading everyone into believing the President has the authority under the 14th Amendment to amend federal spending rules. The constitution is unambiguous, all authority for federal spending is given exclusively to the House of Representatives. To those who may believe the false claims of these Senators, I say read your copy of the US Constitution. In particular, read the 14th Amendment, Section 5. Only Congress has the authority to enforce the provisions of the 14th amendment through appropriate legislation. CONSTITUENTS BEWARE. Members of Congress on both sides are making unconstitutional claims, which if acted upon, would violate our rights and freedoms as citizens. We need to start questioning the self-serving statements of career politicians, call them out when they are attempting to violate our rights, and hold them accountable for their usurpations of Constitutional authority.